935 N Beneva Rd, Ste 609-1120, Sarasota, FL 34232 978-238-8378

Theory Tag

Rachel Parcell Red Sheath Kingston Earrings Jimmy Choo Shoes Look by Modnitsa Styling

Summer Wedding Guest Look

I can't believe we're almost in June and Summer has (unofficially) started!I have been truly enjoying these past few weeks of warm weather (minus the intermittent rain) and taking in all the greenery around, which has been really uplifting my mood and creativity....

Sezane Date Night Look by Modnitsa Styling

Summer Date Night (Date Afternoon) Look

I can't believe we're almost in June and Summer has (unofficially) started!I have been truly enjoying these past few weeks of warm weather (minus the intermittent rain) and taking in all the greenery around, which has been really uplifting my mood and creativity....