935 N Beneva Rd, Ste 609-1120, Sarasota, FL 34232 978-238-8378

dresses Tag

Markdown Mondays Blog Post Shopping Cuts

Markdown Mondays: A Dress for Every Occasion

Happy 2nd week of Spring! As the weather finally starts to get warmer (fingers crossed!), and layering isn't as important, it's finally a great time to pull out my favorite wardrobe staples - dresses! A dress is an outfit in and of itself - where oftentimes...

Markdown Mondays Blog Post Shopping Cuts

Markdown Mondays: Beach-y Accessories

Summer is almost synonymous with beach and if you're lucky, and live near the coast like I do, you would take any chance possible to get away and spend some time by the water. In today's ‪#‎MarkdownMondays‬ style digest, I selected 5 summer accessories that will...

Markdown Mondays Blog Post Shopping Deals

Markdown Mondays: Summer Dresses

Dresses are the easiest summer outfit option - they create an instant "look", and can be taken from day to evening with just some shoes and accessories (and makeup!) Today's ‪#‎MarkdownMondays‬ style digest presents two of my favorite dresses, currently on sale, with two pairs of...