935 N Beneva Rd, Ste 609-1120, Sarasota, FL 34232 978-238-8378

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Markdown Mondays Blog Post Shopping Cuts

Markdown Mondays: January Pretty

Welcome to the 2nd week of January - when the glitz of the holidays gets replaced with the pressure of New Year's resolutions ;-) Today's #MarkdownMondays will get you through the week with some fun & festive options that can create a variety of glamorous...

Markdown Mondays Blog Post Shopping Discounts

Markdown Mondays: Pretty Every Day

It's 17 days till Christmas, everyone! With the busy season of holiday parties, gift-shopping (and giving), it's easy to forget what it's like to just get dressed for a regular "every day". Today's #MarkdownMondays brings you some fun pieces perfect for regular, every day, looking-pretty...