935 N Beneva Rd, Ste 609-1120, Sarasota, FL 34232 978-238-8378

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Markdown Mondays Blog Post Shopping Cuts

Markdown Mondays: A Coat for Every Occasion

The past few weeks' weather in NYC has been on a complete fritz with the snowstorm followed by 50 degree thaw-out, so I've been going between my super warm down coat and my lightweight leather jacket - switching them out almost every day. Today's #MarkdownMondays has...

Markdown Mondays Blog Post Shopping Deals

Markdown Mondays: Elegant in Gray

Hope everyone had a safe and warm weekend in the North-East! We had a ton of snow in Brooklyn, but the wonderland seemed to only last one day, as Sunday everyone was busy shoveling and the pure white snow turned into gray slush in a...