935 N Beneva Rd, Ste 609-1120, Sarasota, FL 34232 978-238-8378

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Markdown Mondays Blog Post Shopping Cuts

Markdown Mondays: A Coat for Every Occasion

The past few weeks' weather in NYC has been on a complete fritz with the snowstorm followed by 50 degree thaw-out, so I've been going between my super warm down coat and my lightweight leather jacket - switching them out almost every day. Today's #MarkdownMondays has...

Markdown Mondays Blog Post Shopping Deals

Markdown Mondays: Elegant in Gray

Hope everyone had a safe and warm weekend in the North-East! We had a ton of snow in Brooklyn, but the wonderland seemed to only last one day, as Sunday everyone was busy shoveling and the pure white snow turned into gray slush in a...

Markdown Mondays Blog Post Shopping Discounts

Markdown Mondays: Statement Pieces for the Winter Blues

In addition to LMK Day, today is apparently a newly-recognized "holiday" called "Blue Monday" - which is statistically considered the most depressing day of the year, with the reality of excessive holiday shopping (resulting in expensive credit card bills), shorter daylight days and cold weather...

Markdown Mondays Blog Post Shopping Cuts

Markdown Mondays: January Pretty

Welcome to the 2nd week of January - when the glitz of the holidays gets replaced with the pressure of New Year's resolutions ;-) Today's #MarkdownMondays will get you through the week with some fun & festive options that can create a variety of glamorous...

Markdown Mondays Blog Post Shopping Cuts

Markdown Mondays: Last Minute Christmas Gifts under $125

We're in the home stretch with holiday shopping (where has the time gone?!??), but don't fret if you're still not completely finished with your "under-the-tree wonders" list. Today's #MarkdownMondays brings you some amazing last-minute gift options, all beautiful and all under $125. Check them out!...

Markdown Mondays Blog Post Shopping Discounts

Markdown Mondays: Pretty Every Day

It's 17 days till Christmas, everyone! With the busy season of holiday parties, gift-shopping (and giving), it's easy to forget what it's like to just get dressed for a regular "every day". Today's #MarkdownMondays brings you some fun pieces perfect for regular, every day, looking-pretty...